This investigates the crisis facing American ranchers and the U.S. beef industry. Through interviews with ranchers, industry whistleblowers, and agricultural experts, the film reveals how four major corporations have come to dominate the beef market, manipulating prices and flooding supermarkets with foreign imports. The documentary explores several key themes: The consolidation of power in the hands of a few large agribusinesses The struggle of small family farms and ranches to survive Alleged corruption within the USDA and its failure to protect ranchers and consumers The potential health impacts of current agricultural practices on American consumers.
The historical importance of small farmers to American democracy Political debates surrounding meat consumption and climate change The film aims to educate viewers about these issues and inspire action to support American ranchers and reform the agricultural system. It presents a politically charged perspective, arguing for a return to smaller-scale farming and ranching practices.
Target Audience:
Not just conservatives, supporters of American agriculture, food safety advocates, and those interested in political and economic issues affecting rural America.
Call to Action:
Join the fight to save our ranchers and reclaim our food freedom."